Wednesday, March 10, 2010

roll up cigarettes. and the kindness of strangers.

evening bloggers. happy (?) wednesday. for the record i hate wednesdays, but that's a whole other can of worms which it would be sensible not to crack open. i've had a strange day. an i'm-not-sure-if-i'm-good-or-bad-or-rainy-or-boring-or-pointless day. i went into work this morning and, i'm proud to announce, managed to trudge through a grand total of two thrilling hours making sandwiches and coffees before bursting into tears and making all the customers a little uncomfortable. an impressive feat, though i say so myself. it was a combination of things, really. dead father plus family that are barely holding themselves together plus insurance claim nonsense plus spilling tea all over my laptop yesterday and thinking it was well and truly dead plus the local eating disorders outreach nurse telling you she is going to make arrangements for you to be admitted to hospital as soon as possible equals not the most cheerful chipmunk in the hutch. cage. whatever. after having been to see the new alice in wonderland film the other day and falling in love with johnny depp for the thirty ninth time falling down a rabbit hole or going through a looking glass or something along those lines is looking very appealing. unfortunately this is real life, and it doesn't seem to want to work like that, though i can't figure out why that is. so after being sent home from work because sobbing into tea cups isn't a very productive thing to do, i was just wandering the streets aimlessly, weeping like a damsel in distress. eventually i decided it would be smart to sit down on the freezing cold pavement by a charity shop. it was 'save the children', ironically. anybody feeling like reaching down and saving me?
didn't think so.
after sitting there getting a numb arse for a few minutes a lady came out of the hairdressing salon opposite and chivvied me inside and tucked me up on their crazy hippie sofa to try and warm me up. then we decided a fag would be beneficial so went out to their back yard and smoked and she listened while i detailed some (not all, she would have run away screaming) of my woes. i just wanted to like marry her. when everything is a mess it's the little things like people who don't know you, who you've never seen before in your life, caring enough to ask you what's wrong, being decent enough to try and make you feel better, that help. even if it's only a tiny bit.